

Discover ULSD EN590 10 ppm Euro 5 Diesel – a fuel innovation that blends top-notch performance with environmental mindfulness. With an ultra-low sulfur content of 10 ppm, it aligns seamlessly with Euro 5 emissions standards, promoting cleaner combustion. Engineered with precision, its properties ensure engine efficiency and safety, regardless of weather, boasting cold filter plugging points of -15°C (winter) and 5°C (summer). Trust in its exceptional ignition quality, marked by a cetane number of 51. Experience enhanced performance while making a positive environmental choice with our ULSD EN590 10 ppm Euro 5 Diesel.
Property Test method Test Unit Guarantee Limit
Density at 150 C   kg/m3   820-845
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons EN 12916 wt% B Max
Flash Point EN 2719 0 C >55  
Cold Filter Plugging Point CFPP EN 116 0 C    
Winter Grade     -15 Max
Summer Grade     5 Max
Distillation EN ISO 3405      
Recovered at 250C   Vol% 65 Max
Recovered at 350C   Vol% 85 Max
95% (Vol/Vol) Recovered at   0 C 360 Max
Sulphur EN ISO 20846
EN ISO 20884
mg/kg 10 Max
Carbon Residue (on 10%residue) EN ISO 10370 wt% 0.30 Max
Viscosity at 40C EN ISO 3104 cst 2.0-4.5  
Copper Strip Corrosion (3h a5 50C) EN ISO 2160 rating No.1 Max
Fatty acid methyl ester(FAME) content EN 14078 Vol% 7.0 Max
Cetane Number EN ISO 5161
EN 15195
  51 Min
Cetane Index EN ISO 4264 calculated 46 Min
Water EN ISO 1293 mg/kg 200 Max
Particulate Matter EN 12662 mg/kg 24 Max
Oxidation Stability EN ISO 12205
EN 15751
g/m3 h 25 20 Max
Lubricity (wsd1,4) at 60C EN ISO 12156/1 um 450 Max

 Inquiry - ULSD EN590/10PPM